Usana Health Sciences Launches Presentation Geared Toward Budding Entrepreneurs">Usana Health Sciences Launches Presentation Geared Toward Budding Entrepreneurs

parašė , 2016-09-27 17:54


(United Kingdom)– According to figures recently released via Globe Newswire, the global nutrition supplement industry’s revenue reached $104 billion dollars at the end of 2013, surging ahead $8 billion from the previous year alone. With annual gains of 7 percent or more projected to continue for the foreseeable future, those on board stand to experience considerable upturns in profit. This development comes as no surprise to Usana Health Sciences affiliates around the globe who have witnessed firsthand the growth in this sector.

In light of this expected growth potential, leading healthcare product and nutritional supplement manufacturer, Usana health Sciences, have launched their latest Usana Health and Freedom Presentation geared toward budding entrepreneurs in this field. Independent Associate, Andrew Smith stated: “Since 1992, Usana Health Sciences have been helping people around the world reach their goals of wellness as well as financial independence. This presentation provides a multifaceted view into the company as a whole; at the same time, it also offers far-reaching advice on generating a profitable income as an affiliate and furnishes insight into networking to increase gains in the industry.”

The Usana business model accommodates those seeking part-time ventures as well as individuals looking to wholly invest in an undertaking of this nature. While many choose to build their own distributorships alone in this market, the company additionally offers the alternative of working with others for more extensive customer outreach. Receiving full titles to their enterprises, entrepreneurs are able to tailor their ventures to meet their individual needs or transfer ownership as they see fit.

In addition to selling the company’s supplements and skin care formulations, account holders may also choose to buy usana products for personal use in order to enhance their own health or better provide personal testimonials for fostering marketing tactics. Usana Health Sciences adhere to pharmaceutical grade manufacturing standards, surpassing requirements of the supplement industry. The company additionally vows to steer clear of prohibited or banned substances in an effort to maintain their reputation for quality.

Andrew Smith added the following: “Usana extends a wide range of opportunities to their affiliates, affording them the freedom of placing as much or as little time and effort into their businesses as they desire. The presentation can be found online and consists of numerous modules covering the company itself along with varying aspects of establishing a distributorship and achieving growth and success with the venture. Anyone interested in supplementing their current income or finding health and wealth through full-time effort is encouraged to view this presentation.”

About Usana Health Sciences:

The Usana home business is a powerful network marketing business opportunity which has been the financial vehicle of choice for entrepreneurs around the world since the company was founded in 1992.

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