Why You Need to Hire a Personal Fitness Trainer
Do you want to live a happier, healthier and functionally fitter life? Maybe you just want to have a gorgeous bod or a ripped bod (whatever the difference). Regardless of your goals for going to the gym, a qualified personal trainer can always help make your goals reachable.
Here are the top reasons you should consider hiring a personal trainer:
You’re a beginner.
Pumping iron is beyond lifting heavy things, putting them down and picking them up again. You may think you’ve got it so easy, but why and how so sure? You may even have a “workout buddy,” but what makes you so convinced you’re getting correct coaching? Having a friend at the gym is great, but only a professional trainer can teach you how to do things right.
You like the machines a lot.
Instead of doing proper squats, do you usually head over to the leg press machine over the Smith rack? Have you never ventured into deadlifting before? Do you enjoy using the pec deck? In the lifting world, old school works best, and old school equals free weights. Machines do serve a purpose, but you should rely on them only for “finishing” exercises.
You’re too focused on the bar muscles.
For the men, no doubt women dig bulging biceps, but that doesn’t mean you should stop there. Look at your body in its entirety. An effective personal trainer can offer you a complete lifting program that addresses your specific goals, as well as boosts your body’s health and performance in a way that women find appealing.
You seem to enjoy the pec deck so much.
It’s good to do some bicep pumps, but an all-body approach targeting multiple joint movements is important – deadlifts, rows, overhead press, squats, bench press, and chin-ups.
You’re hurting yourself and/or not making any real progress.
Weightlifting is so important. A professional makes sure that you’re lifting properly, so you get maximum results and still protect your joints. Stop flopping around, trying to bench more than you need to.
You’re bored or you’ve reached a plateau.
You may be an accomplished lifter, but you still need a trainer who can help you mix things up and keep things exciting.
If you’re convinced you need a personal trainer (well, most people do, at least, in the beginning), don’t just pick any trainer. Find someone who will gladly give you references and has certification. Certifications are not necessarily all equal though. Some of the reputable ones include ISSA (International Sports Society Association), ACE (American Council on Exercise), NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), IDEA Health & Fitness Association, and the AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America).
Definitely, you must also ask regarding payment. In most cases, you will be able to get a discount for a package of around 10 to 20 sessions. Remember, your trainer’s philosophy must be in line with yours, or you won’t be happy training and that can compromise your results. Lastly, take a look at the trainer. If he’s out of shape, you should seriously wonder why. You need someone who can motivate you by first motivating himself.
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