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Kova su pleiskanomis – įmanoma

parašė , 2021-06-11 20:17

SampunasPleiskanos yra vienas labiausiai žmonių erzinančių dalykų, kuris ne tik sukuria nepatrauklų vaizdą, tačiau dažnai prisideda ir prie niežėjimo. Žinoma, šiuo metu rinkoje siūlomas sampunas nuo pleiskanu yra puiki alternatyva kovoje, tačiau pasiūla tokia plati bei įvairi, kad atrasti tai, kas tikrai yra veiksminga nėra labai paprasta.

Taigi, pirmiausia siūlome suprasti, kad pasiūloje tikrai ne visos galimybės yra geros. Puiku tai, kad šiuo metu internete galima rasti kitų žmonių nuomonę apie vieną arba kitą gaminį, kuris gali Jums padėti suprasti – ką pavyko pasiekti naudojant.

Žinoma, pleiskanos galvos odą „puošia“ labai skirtingais kiekiais, tad tikrai ne vienam padėjusi priemonė kitam gali būti visiškai neveiksminga. Tačiau žinant kitų žmonių nuomones visada galite bent jau greičiau susirasti tuos šampūnus, kuriuos verta išbandyti.

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Tinkama kojų odos priežiūra žiemos metu. Patarimai

parašė , 2020-12-20 21:00

Žiemos metu reikia kur kas daugiau dėmesio skirti savo odai, kadangi nuo sauso oro namuose ir tuo pačiu dažniausiai žmonių abejingumo ji yra bene tokia graži. O ypač daugiau dėmesio reikia skirti kojoms, kurios dažniausiai atsiduria antrame plane. Tai, žinoma, labai liūdina, kadangi graži oda gali suteikti kur kas daugiau pasitikėjimo savimi, o kojos dažniausiai vadinamos pačia seksualiausia moters kūno vieta.

Geriausias pasirinkimas kasdieninei priežiūrai yra fotoepiliatorius, kuris turi būti naudojamas kartą per mėnesį. Tačiau jį reikia derinti ir su kitais metodais, kuriuos aptarsime apačioje.

Svarbiausia gera plaukelių depiliacija

FotoepiliatoriusKojų odos priežiūra žiemos metu yra neatsiejama nuo tinkamos depiliacijos, kuri gali garantuoti, kad oda bus glotni ir tuo pačiu puikiai atrodys. Žinoma, tikrai ne visada moterys renkasi tinkamas depiliavimo priemones. Pavyzdžiui, fotoepiliatoriai vadinami geriausia alternatyva, tačiau kai kurios vis dar naudoja vienkartinius skustukus, kurie gali sukelti labai rimtas odos problemas. Šiuo atveju investuoti į kokybę tikrai verta, kadangi tai paprasčiausiai atsiperka.

Drėkinimas – būtinas

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Getting Creative With Specialists Advice

parašė , 2015-11-24 09:02

The Best Plastic Surgeon Has the Best Tools Plastic surgery is one of the surgical procedures that people undergo. In order to treat through surgeries and certain medical tools are used. There are minor surgeries where others are more sensitive. Surgeries are performed for various reasons. If one is in need of a good body look, plastic surgery is the best type of surgery to have and meet your desires. To enhance one’s body look and gain a high self-esteem, plastic surgery is done. Through plastic surgery, a good appearance is created that makes one attractive. If one had developed a low self-esteem before others due to a bad look, it is brought back once more. Any type of plastic surgery procedure is there with the best surgeons. One may choose to have cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery or any other type of plastic surgery. However, plastic surgery is not done by anyone. Plastic Surgery is only done by qualified individuals. It is necessary that you seek the help of a qualified surgeon who is more experienced. The best plastic surgery surgeons are available and have the right medical equipment for plastic surgeries. Good tools are necessary for carrying out plastic surgery. The best surgeons use the excellent tools in any surgery that they perform. Anesthesia machines are among the many medical types of equipment used by perfect surgeons. With anesthesia machines, oxygen gas, and others are supplied to the patient. Through this machine the surgeon ensures that the patient has enough supply of gasses.
The Beginner’s Guide to Surgeries
A well qualified surgeon poses a standard surgical table. With the new technology; the surgical tables used by great surgeons are advanced to suit the needs required. Surgical tables position the patient well as the surgery procedure is carried out. The position of the patient during the surgery is kept intact by surgical tables. It is easy to adjust these surgical tables as they have a good degree of rotation and custom attachments. Great surgeons have various monitors that they use depending on the type of surgery.
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The body condition of the patient is determined by these patient monitors. The monitors are well designed to alert the surgeon when vitals vary during an operation. The plastic surgeons make sure that their rooms are well equipped with an infusion pump. This machine can also provide the patient with some necessary hormones and any important nutrients and food intravenous. Infusion pumps are important to any plastic surgeon as they prevent pain on the patient. As sterilization of other tools is important, autoclaves do this work. A surgeon with an autoclave is fast as sterilization is done fast. Electrosurgical units help the surgeon to perform certain surgery tasks such as desiccating. The plastic surgeons use surgical microscopes to have a clear view of any surgery procedure. Surgery lights are also surgical tools that the surgeons use to provide them with light. Having exceptional medical types of equipment; people should have plastic surgery from these experts.

Addictions—A Biblical Perspective

parašė , 2015-03-01 06:31

If we look at the issue of addictions, we don’t have to look far to discover it’s a cultural issue in America, though certainly not limited to America.  Whether one is referring to drugs, sex, shopping, gambling, power, hoarding or a host of other addictions, our culture and our world is permeated with one obsession after another.

Let’s begin by discussing what is included in the definition of “addiction”, and get into the real theological ‘meat’ of the issue:

What Addiction Is:

 An addiction is, first and foremost a sin.  One would be hard-pressed to find a biblical scholar who would dispute that.  Addiction is a sin that one can’t seem to put an end to because the addiction, itself, has such power over that person—an enslavement, quite literally.  It is a sin pattern that is extremely challenging to eliminate or even minimize.  It is a self-selected dependence to an idol; and that kind of enslavement isn’t so much imposed on us as it is chosen by us.   We choose to be a slave to addictions—food, money, shopping, alcohol, technology, video games, work etc. 

Though these things, in and of themselves in the proper context, are enjoyable and are not sinful, it’s when behaviors become our master that we have a problem.  When we lose the joy these types of activities can offer, we enter a realm, a dark realm, where it’s no longer about the pleasure but is, instead, about mastery and control—the only problem is, the addict isn’t the one in control!

Addictions are self-selected slavery .  You shackle yourself to your sin-of-choice and allow it to rule over you or even destroy you; and that ruling or destruction can include your body, your thoughts, your behaviors and your motives.  In this way, an addiction is different than a disease. 

Addiction—A Disease?

Though our culture typically places addictions in the category of ‘Disease’, the problem with that perspective is that, ultimately, it isn’t biblical because the person isn’t held fully accountable.  If the person with the addiction is considered to have a disease, that person is viewed, at least partially, as a ‘victim’– that person isn’t really to blame, he or she isn’t seen as a sinner, repentance isn’t the focus, and the triggers for the addiction can become an emphasis.   Once the triggers are established, one is guided on how to get the addiction ‘under one’s own control’ by reducing external and internal stimulation, esteeming oneself and making a genuine effort to improve one’s behavior and live a better life.  It would be far more (biblically) accurate to view an addiction as a sinful endeavor (though that may sound harsh); and view an addict as someone who doesn’t just have an obsession, but has a ‘worship disorder’. 

For many, it would be troubling to place cancer and a shopping addiction, for example, in the same category of ‘Disease’.   Someone who is battling cancer does have a very legitimate disease; and certainly didn’t choose to take on a potentially life-threatening condition, contrasted with someone with a shopping preoccupation who at some point in the past, made a determination to destroy their bank account or marriage due to reckless and continual consumption. 

Proverbs—Addictive Personality Types:

If we say to an alcoholic, “It’s not your fault!  You have a family history of the disease.  It’s understandable!” Here, we end up excusing the individual for a behavior he seemingly has no control over.  God and His Word, on the other hand, do hold that person accountable.  Even though social sciences delve into the physiology and psychology behind addictions, the Bible goes to the root of the issue—the human heart and the choices we humans all make.

As old as the Book of Proverbs is, it does speak of various forms of addictions.  There are people woven throughout the Bible, and clearly in Proverbs, who had various addictions—the adulteress who is addicted to sexual escapades.  She shows up in Proverbs 5 and 7; and continually cheats on her husband.  Then there are the sluggards mentioned in Proverbs who worship comfort and ease—they don’t want to work or go through any effort or inconvenience that might thwart their relaxation and leisure.  Their addiction is laziness.   How about the mention of those who exude greed—they are addicted to money and the pleasures and things money provides.   Proverbs also mentions those who worship themselves—the proud person who is addicted to, and worships, self.   Alcoholism and the drunkard who worships alcohol are also revealed in Proverbs.   The glutton is discussed who is addicted to food.  For the glutton, even today, food becomes that person’s god.  Food is what provides identity, comfort, security and companionship. 

As you read the Book of Proverbs, one discovers that addictions are readily revealed.  Overall, scripture does speak to addiction; the same types of addictions that are so prevalent today.   The real essence of addictive behaviors and the driving force behind them becomes very apparent.

Beware—Idol Worship!

If we cut to the chase, we realize that biblically speaking, what lies under any addiction is choosing an idol and, figuratively speaking, bowing down to it!   In today’s society, with all the professional intervention, the underlying issues of idolatry are not explored, unless one seeks expert counsel from a Christian therapist.   Secular interventions do not deal with the true root of addictions and as a result, even though genuine efforts might be made to stop drinking, smoking, drugging or hoarding, secular intervention still doesn’t lead to the underlying issues of idol worship.

So often, if one addiction is overcome, such as smoking for example, the first addiction of chain-smoking is many times replaced by a different addiction such as overeating–gluttony.  So what we have now is one addiction, being replaced by a different addiction, and the whole issue of idolatry is never recognized, dealt with and eradicated.  Or, if a person does overcome, say, drug abuse, that person may boast of how he, through dogged determination and self-will, was able to combat the addiction, and now we have pride manifesting itself—the person smugly accentuates his own glory and personal accomplishment.  Idols are simply shifted—the idol of nicotine is replaced with the idol of food and the idol of drugs is replaced with the idol of prideful self.

Addictions Come From The Enemy:

Many people, even Christians, when they think of idolatry, think of primitive people who bowed down to man-made carvings or statues.  But when the Bible speaks of idolatry, it does so in a much more robust, personal and practical way.   All the way back in Ezekiel 14, the first 8 verses speak of idols of the heart.  The lesson here, regarding idols, is much less about what we gaze upon or consume or hold in our hands and much more about what is in our hearts.   Biblically speaking, idolatry, or addictive behaviors, involves clinging to someone or something other than God that gives us pleasure or identity– running to someone or something to make our lives better and make us feel excited, fulfilled and/or satisfied.  Contemporary addictions including too much gambling, drinking, working, eating, video-gaming do, indeed, have their place under the heading of ‘idol worship’. 

Idolatry is one of the major themes that runs throughout the entire Bible.  Romans 1:25 says, regarding those who committed idolatry:  “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator–who is forever praised.  Amen.”   Romans 1:25 clearly tells us there is God, who is Creator; and there is creation.  We are to worship the Creator, not the creation.  Idolatry comes into play when there is an inversion and people cling to or worship creation rather than the One who made it all.  Food, relationships, drugs, sports—when we place too much interest and emphasis on these types of things where they become far too important, way too necessary and much too identifying, they, in reality, become a god.   In a contemporary world, then, we find ourselves doing exactly what Romans 1:25 is referring to!

Idol worship can take over your job, your family, your body, your life; and behind these addictive powers lie demonic forces—as if Satan is using these created things to enslave us so he can rule over us.  So when we’re dealing with people who are addicted to one thing or another, it’s not enough to tell them to do better, try harder, get on medications, ask them to see what their behaviors are doing to those who love them the most, or attempt to minimize the triggers.  If we don’t deal with the root cause of idolatry (the condition of the human heart), one way or another, an addict will continue to worship someone or something— money, power, fame, glory, status, consumption—and under it all, is an obsessive revering of something other than God! 

Scripture Makes It Clear:

Throughout the Bible, we are given distinct instructions to be aware of the dangers of addictions and run from them.  The single topic concerning too much drinking, for example, is revealed as something to take very seriously:  Titus 1:7 and 2:3; 1 Timothy3:3; 1Timothy 3:8 and 1Corinthians 6:10.   It becomes very clear that believers must not be dependent on alcohol or any other idol.   We are reminded: “love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”  An addiction to anything other than God is wrong; and to occupy ourselves with anything else, habitually, is idolatry. 

Also, Exodus 20:3 explicitly tells us that we are not to place our first interests or excessive affections towards anything or anyone, other than God, Himself:  “You shall have no other gods before me.”  Exodus 34:14 accentuates that same command: “Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”

Additional Scripture Concerning Addictions:

God offers help in His word to break free of addictions.   Some verses give warnings while others give encouragement.  These are only a handful:

Proverbs 6:26-29–  “For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread;  and the adultress will hunt for the precious life.  Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?…Whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent.”

Romans 13:14– “But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts, thereof.”

Ephesians 5:18-20– “And be not drunk with wine….but be filled with the Spirit….giving thanks for all things unto God…”

James 1:12– “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation…”

James 4:7– “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” 

God’s Word tells us He can, and does, make old things new.  That which is broken, can be divinely repaired.  Through faith, prayer and genuine repentance, we have a God who is in the business of working miracles!    It is only through Him that we can break the chains of bondage, heal and have inner peace.

Revelation 21:5– “…Behold I make all things new ….”

Isaiah 42:9– “Behold, the former things are come to pass; and new things do I declare

Matthew 11:28– “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Ką daryti paaštrėjus nugaros skausmui

parašė , 2013-08-13 08:00

Kai nugaros skausmas paaštrėja ar prasideda skausmo priepuolis nugaroje būtina kuo greičiau kreiptis į daktarą pagalbos, bet jei neturite galimybių to padaryti darykite toliau išvardintus dalykus kurie turėtų sumažinti skausmą:

nugaros skausmasAtsiradus aštriam nugaros skausmui, pasistenkite būti horizontalioje padėtyje. Pavyzdžiui atsargiai atsisėskite ant lovos krašto, o po to lėtai persiverskite ant lovos jei ji nėra labai minkšta, arba ant grindų, padėjus čiužinį ar bet kokį kitą minkštesnį pagrindą ant grindų. Esant horizontaliojoje padėtyje sumažėja tarpslankstelinių diskų spaudimas.

Lovos rėžimas 1 – 3 dienas; geriausia yra gulėti ant nugaros, per kelius sulenkus kojas, galite po keliais pasidėti mažą pagalvėlę ar ką nors panašaus, kad būtų lengviau laikyti kojas sulenktas. Lovos pagrindas turi būti kietas, galima naudoti kokį nors medinį pagrindą tam kad būtų galima nugarą išlaikyti visiškai tiesią, ant medinio pagrindo uždėkite ortopedinį pagrindą arba plona čiužinį, kad būtų patogiau gulėti. 

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Tikmedis lauke ir esantys viduje baldų straipsniai

parašė , 2013-03-01 12:16

Lauke baldai, įgyvendinti į žaviai išorines zonas, supančias namą, gali būti padaryti iš skirtingų metalų, kaip geležis, plienas, bambukas, ir teakwood. Net jei Tectona grandis lauke baldai yra didesnis brangus negu kiti kietmedžio baldai, dauguma klientų renka teakwood į kitą medžiagą. Lauke Tectona mediena gali laikyti savo jėgą ir patrauklumą per daug dešimtmečių. Tai turi valdžią atlaikyti rūdis ir išėdimą kai kontakte su metalu. Suolai, valdybos, vadovauja, lempos, vazonai ir kitas dekoravimas sodui, poolside, užpakaliniam kiemui, deniui, ir parko dekoravimas yra įskaičiuotas tarp tikmedžio lauke baldai. Baldų medienos sodo straipsniai yra geriausiai priimtini augančiam sodo fonui. Medienos terasos baldai priima suolus, pietų valdybas, pietų vadovauja, baro stalas, baras vadovauja, gariniai troškintuvai, ir daugiau.

Natūrali teakwood baldų spalva gali praeiti, jei yra pastoviai atidarytas vėjui. Metinis terasos baldai naftos uždengimas padeda sulaikyti natūralią spalvą.

Tikmedžio baldai yra, iškenčia ir ilgalaikis atsparus. Nors reikalingas daug palaikymo ir dėmesio, tai yra aukštame, reikalingas tarp klientų. Praėjusius metus, medienos sodo baldai aukštino populiarumą. Sodo suolai, ir spalvingos daugiametės sodo sienos įgyja sodų žavumą. Medienos vidaus kiemo baldai yra klasikiniu stiliumi lygūs lauke vietoms.

Stilius, kaina, medžiaga, patogumas, ir dydis yra elementai, kad mokytųsi, pirkdami terasos baldai straipsnius. Didelė puikių, patrauklių, skirtingų tikmedžio baldų kolekcija yra pasiekiama, ir gali būti surasta už protingas kainas. Tradicija ketino, kad straipsniai gali taip pat būti padėti nuo skirtingų sėklų. Tikmedis yra puikus viešbučiams ir bankams. Lauke Teakwood vadovauja, stalai, suolai, garinio troškintuvo kėdės, kraudamas kėdes, sulankstomąsias kėdes, atlenkiamus stalelius, stačiakampes valdybas, ir kitos sodo baldai perduoda lygų ir klasišką žvilgsnį bet kokiai vietai.