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Supportive Products for the Knees
Our joints help our bones move around with more flexibility and stability when changing positions and make wide ranges of motion. To help keep our joints functioning well at all times, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and different range of motion exercises to practice and improve its flexibility, while also making sure to be careful when carrying heavy materials, and using protection when participating in active sports and extreme activities. The constant use and important role of joints in our daily lives also exposes it to risks and accidents that may cause a range of injuries. When injuries happen, proper handling and immediate intervention is important to prevent further injuries and reduce symptoms such as swelling and pain, especially when medical intervention is not readily available.
Among all our joints, it is perhaps the knees that get a lot of injuries because of its frequent involvement in most movements. Our knee joints, being the largest in the human body, provides the biggest weight support and makes it possible for us to walk, stand, and sit down, which also subjects it wear and tear, degenerative diseases, and accidents from extreme physical activities. When playing sports, it is always advisable to wear protective gears especially during contact sports to reduce the impact of collision, which is the primary cause of injuries in sports.
For both injuries and protection needs, knee supports are helpful gears that athletes and injured individuals can wear either to protect their knee joints or to reduce pain and swelling from knee injuries that cannot be addressed medically yet. Knee supports are also helpful after knee-cap surgeries as it can protect and support the joints while on its way to healing as it reduces strain on the knees, and also assist patients undergoing rehabilitation or therapies after injuries.
There are many types of knee supports and braces that vary in design and use, which can be either for supportive purposes for athletes, or for pain and swelling reduction in cases of knee injuries or inflammatory joint disorders such as different cases of arthritis. Many support types are constrictive and closed, designed from elastic or firm fabrics, which are recommended for temporary use only as sustained constriction in a long time can add pain to the existing injury. Open designs are also available, which provide less compression and can be left on for an extended period without any problems.
Before choosing your knee support, asking professionals for advice will help especially you are planning to wear the gear to alleviate injury symptoms like pain and swelling. This must always be considered as putting on a gear that is not indicated for your condition may further aggravate your existing injury, and consulting with a professional is the only way to make sure you are using the right one.