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parašė , 2016-09-27 06:52

Losing Weight Fast with the Ketogenic Diet

A ketogenic diet’s macronutrient distribution is 5% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 75% fat. These figures need not be exact, but the idea is that carbohydrates should be minimal so that your body ends up burning fats for energy instead.

The ketogenic diet is actually discouraged for long-term use since too much ketones (byproducts of burning fat for energy) in the blood is also unhealthy. However, if your objective is to lose weight within a very short period, then this diet couldn’t be more perfect.

How a Ketogenic Diet Works

So how indeed do you lost weight fast with a ketogenic diet? Note that when you consume carbohydrates, your body responds to your heightened blood glucose by releasing insulin, a hormone that causes your cells to hoard as much storage energy as possible, first in the form of glycogen and then as stored fat. The ketogenic diet works by eliminating carbohydrates from your diet and using up all your carbohydrate stores, thus controlling the amount of insulin that is released following meals. With decreased insulin, your body begins using its own fat for energy, and the effect is rapid weight loss.

Here’s what: even when you’re sleeping at night, your body will continue to use up energy, which means you’ll still be burning fat at this time. Your body is basically on fat loss mode 24/7! And you won’t even just burn the fat you consume, but also those fats you’ve managed to store away in your body. That’s why if you want a way to lose weight with almost instant visible results, go on a ketogenic diet.

Modifying the Ketogenic Diet

While the 5-20-75 rule is standard for ketogenic diets, as an adult, there is no need to be very strict with the figures. You can reap success with this diet by taking it with a moderate approach, that is by simply consuming less carbs and more healthy fats and proteins. We call this the modified ketogenic diet.

For significant weight loss from a ketogenic diet, keep in mind that not all fats are the same. The easiest type of fat for your body to burn as energy are the medium-chain fatty acids or MCFAs, such as those found in coconut oil. Short-chain fatty acids or SCFAs found in dairy products are also great, along with fats obtained from seeds, nuts and organic meats. Examples of other good fat sources are avocados, non-starchy veggies, sprouted nuts, and chia seeds. Just by reducing your carbs to 30%, fats to 40% and proteins to 30%, you will see considerable weight loss.

Other Benefits Offered by the Ketogenic Diet

Aside from promoting weight loss, a ketogenic diet can also help people with type 2 diabetes (diabetics who do not require insulin shots). Diabetics who are actually on insulin should see their doctor before going on a ketogenic diet because insulin dosages will need to be adjusted.

Cited reference: Learn More Here

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